On June 18th, CAPTUS successfully hosted its inaugural Dissemination Workshop titled “Unlocking the Potential of Carbon Capture Technology for an Eco-Industrial Evolution.” The event was organized by EEIP, and attracted approximately 100 participants.

The workshop commenced with a keynote speech by Konstantina Plakaki from the Hellenic Ministry of Environment and Energy. This was followed by presentations from two EU-funded projects, Fuelgae and SINNOGENES, which provided an insightful overview of their innovative approaches to CO2 capture and renewable energy solutions. These presentations highlighted the significant contributions of EU-funded initiatives in advancing this field.

An interactive quiz engaged participants further, offering an opportunity to learn more about the CAPTUS project and provide valuable feedback.

The event concluded with a panel discussion moderated by Dušan Jakovljević, Policy and Communication Director at EEIP. This session focused on the key challenges industries face in integrating Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) technologies into their existing processes. The panel featured distinguished experts:

– Dr. Milana Ayzenberg, CTO, CAOX

– Marine Cornelis, Executive Director, Next Energy Consumer

– Filippo Gasparin, Project Manager, CINEA

– Prof. Dr. F. Pelayo Garcia De Arquer, Group Leader, ICFO

For those who missed the workshop, a recording is available here.