On Tuesday, June 11, 2024, at 14:30, the European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) hosted an online event titled “Paving the way to net-zero energy in industry and small and medium-sized enterprises”. This event brought together a distinguished panel of speakers, including Timothy Alden, Eline Blanchard, Ioanna Makarouni, Edyta Nowak, Ettore Piantoni, Gatis Žogla, and Dušan Jakovljević, Policy and Communication Director at EEIP.
The session delved into pioneering efforts by six EU-funded projects: EnTRAINER, AUDIT2MEASURE, DEESME2050, EE4SMEs, EE4HORECA, and KNOWnNEBs. This projects aimed at spearheading decarbonization in industrial sectors and SMEs, advocating for clean energy transitions.

A focal point of the session was the DEESME2050 project, in which EEIP plays a role as a project partner. DEESME2050 is dedicated to facilitating energy efficiency improvements and fostering sustainable practices within SMEs, crucial steps toward achieving Europe’s ambitious net-zero goals.
The session was designed to search into the heart of Europe’s clean energy transition for industries, drawing upon the collective experiences of various stakeholders. The objective was to facilitate nuanced discussions, investigate innovative solutions, and catalyze actionable insights to inform policy reforms.
They concluded the session with an interactive roundtable featuring three esteemed experts, and Dušan Jakovljević as moderator, who shared their insights on key areas, starting from the briefings and audience inputs. The panellists, Eline Blanchard, Edyta Nowak and Ettore Piantoni, combined expertise in energy efficiency in industry, multi-benefits, and funding schemes for EE measures, ensuring a rigorous and insightful discussion.

For those who missed the live session, a recording is available here.